Monday 2 February 2015

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WhatsApp starts rolling out calling feature

WhatsApp’s much requested calling feature has been rumored for a while now but the company has finally flipped the switch on it. One reddit user was able to get the feature activated on his number and it is now rolling out to others as well.
For now it seems WhatsApp is going slow with the rollout, with the only people who have the feature being those who were called by someone who already has the feature. So although it helps to have the latest version of the app installed on your device (for Android users, it’s usually the APK available through the website), you’ll still have to wait for it to roll out to you or someone with the feature to call you.
As for the interface, the calling feature adds individual calls, chats, and contacts tabs at the top. First shows your recent calls through the apps, second shows your chats and the third is for your contacts. The call interface is fairly simple, showing the name and WhatsApp image of the person you are calling.
WhatsApp hasn’t yet announced the feature officially on their blog, so it could still be in testing phase, but at least we now know it exists for sure and is now very close.


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